Best tote bags for work,canvas leather tote,canvas leather tote bag,canvas tote bag with leather handles,canvas and leather tote


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FREE DELIVERY Tote bags for women,Canvas and leather tote bag,canvas leather tote,canvas leather tote bag,canvas tote bag with leather handles,canvas and leather tote,portable grocery bag,portable bag,waxed canvas tote with leather handles,canvas leather purse,canvas leather tote bag

WAXED CANVAS: this large oversize simple heavy duty canvas tote shoulder bag with double top leather handles is made of high-density oil waxed canvas. It's sturdy, stiff and made to last. The surface is water repellent, dirt resistant and easy to wipe clean. You can throw them on the ground without worry.

Tote bags for women is a very simple super large size canvas tote bag with NO lining and 2 inner zippered pocket,2 Cell Phone Pockets for items of importance. Double leather rugged style handles are reinforced with metal parts. Snap closure.

large size tote bag (even bigger than it looks), big enough to hold a YOGA MAT, your phone, tablet, wallet, keys, magazines, books, gym gear, enough stuff if you are on the go. It can also serve as a shopping bag, school bag, beach bag, or a day trip bag.

The waxed canvas will develop a patina over time; use will bring out unique character and special qualities in the fabric that no other material could offer. Use your bag for years, it will look different than when it was made. Because of the wax treatment, It’s easy to leave scratches on the surface. You could use hairdryer to heat up the surface a little and make the scratches go away or just leave them alone and let this bag carry the memories that only belong to you.

This shoulder bag is made of waxed waterproof canvas with crazy horse cowhide on the top layer and cotton canvas on the inside.

Size-37 cm *12 cm *30 cm

Bag width 45CM

Weight: 0.72kg

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